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Wednesday, 1 June 2011

My Third Assignment

I have continued to steadily update my blog, with over 30 posts posted, most with pictures. My Blog has links to interesting websites, 2 polls, that do work, two RSS feeds, a video from you tube, the blogs I’m following, and quotes from harry potter. I’ve changed the design, e.g. fonts, to create a colour on black theme. And added some entertaining fish. I like the fish. Also colour on black. The only theme is stuff related to me. My likes. Interesting events. And I have nearly 500 page views, so I must be doing something right.

My Flickr has over 30 photos and over 110 views. It mainly consists of pictures of my favourite shows, mostly manga, with a bit of doctor who thrown in, as well as a few class based pictures.

My Delicious has nearly 40 links, and I find it quite useful to navigate my most used sites. I’ve organised all sites into tag bundles for easy navigation. I have even set it as my homepage on my laptop for quick access. Links range from recreational, to educational, to media based.

And not to say they don’t exist, but I wasn’t able to find control’s to customize my flickr and delicious. So they look boring. I did try though.

My website continued the theme of colour on black, and it also focussed on me. My website is a good example of how information can be conveyed by a number of different mediums in multimedia. I have simple text, pictures, an RSS feed, video’s, music, an embedded page, a blog that generates an RSS feed, even a game.

Not only have I learnt more about the mediums of communication, I’ve learnt how fast and easy it is to spread information. The blogger, delicious and flickr account are all linked, so not only do they use the same account for ease, but they are interoperable, e.g., using Google reader to select blog posts and make an RSS feed. And when their all linked, adding information to one account will update the rest. E.g., liking more things in my Google reader will update the RSS feed in my website. When everything is interlinked, it makes it easier to attract audiences to other pages, and extend the period of communication.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My Uncertain Career Path

I love Uni. I love the social life, and the relaxed feel.

I love sound, and loved making my sound scape.
I love MPI, and I get really good marks in it.
I even like Vis Com, Neil's funny lectures and Mac Staples random tangents.

And I lover animation. I love the screenings, the atmosphere, the closeness, the after midnight rule. I love how we study movies, and everyone likes the things I like, and were all on the same wavelength. Their the only people I fit in with.
 In fact the only thing I dislike about uni is the animating itself. I can sit through the lectures, and the screenings, but I hate the animating side. The drawing is the worst. Flash isn't too bad, but not knowing how to use it makes it a pain in the behind. I haven't even started my animation, and I'm already over it.

So is there any point in doing the class if I hate the animating side of it?

Thursday, 26 May 2011

MPI104 - Week 11 - RSS Feeds

Learnt how to get RSS feeds from different sites, and I learnt different ways to post them on the blog. I would rather just use the feed gadget in blogger then the google reader RSS feed adder, as the blogger way sticks too the theme more.

I also learn;t that Safari makes it hard by changing the URL on me, so i'll use firefox next.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

2 Week Rush

Only 2 weeks to go.

3 assessments due. The MPI bloggs, the soundscape for VPA, and my animation for VFX.

MPI needs everything printed off and a blurb written I think.

I have all of my sound effects recorded, and while some of them arn't the best, they'll do. Hopefully I can get it done by the end of the week at the latest.

That way I can spend more time on VFX, cause I only have a few rough backgrounds done, and I cant start the animation before i WORK OUT HOW TO USE FLASH. Hand drawn isn't an option anymore, not enough time.

I wouldn't even be doing this if it wasn't assessable.

Not panicing just yet, but nearly there.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

My iWEB site.

To keep it simple, I based my website on myself, so I could focus more on the technical side. The pages are styled consistently, and I have customised the backgrounds, fonts and font colours, as well as reflected all pictures to create an individual look. The counter was specially picked to suit the colour scheme. The RSS feed shows posts from my favourite blog, and the news page shows important upcoming events. The pictures match the theme of bright colours on black. My “me at a glance” page contains the links to my separate MPI pages, as well as my personal information. The third page uses an embedded video from youtube to create a humorous effect. The “I Like page” contains the most content. Blurbs on things I like are accompanied by various pictures, embedded videos, and one of my favourite songs from youtube, so it isn’t copyrighted. I did have a video uploaded, but chose to embed it instead to save on upload and download times. A working window of Google and a game are also embedded. The last page contains my blog, with a main page, multiple entries and an archive. An RSS feed can be generated from this page.

Monday, 16 May 2011


I’m glad it's over really, it took up a lot of time and I barely got anything done over the weekend. But I did enjoy it and will look forward to next years. It is good to know when people say we can animate anything, they mean anything. The late night bizarre reassured me that while I may have weird thoughts sometimes, that’s ok, cause they merely look interesting next to last night’s late night bizarre.
If you get a chance, look for Suzie, cuddle sticks, fantasies in bubble wrap, The Bastard and falling art on you tube. They will... open your eyes. WARNING: One of the above video’s caused a woman some years back to storm out of the cinema screaming “Your all going to hell”.
Big thanks to everyone who helped, but especially Mat Barron, as he's the one who's marking this assignment, and he was one of the main technical dudes over the festival.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

M104, Catching Up For Week 6

No class week 6, just a master blog post. Telling us about how to make a HTML page.
e.g. open bracket, close bracket, ect.
LOL. I started a page, and added tables, pictures, video's. 

MPI104 Week 9, FTP

Learn't how t upload the site onto the uni's net. Now I'm all set for the assignment. Also learn't that it takes ages to upload a 71MB video. Ready for another HD guys!!!

IWEB in MPI104, Week 8

This time last week, we learn't how to use iWEB. Though it creates a more aesthetic page, and is much easier and quicker than html, I dont have as much control. I don't know how to do as much as I did with HTML. But, it's still usable, and I can find most stuff on the net. And it's better than staring at code for hours.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Knock Knock. Who's there? Dr. Dr Who? Psych.

I cant really say I'm a bid fan of doctor who, having only seen the last series, but I can tell you one thing...


The story is so elaborate, every episode there's 3 questions raised for every question answered. And it's so unexpected. Spoiler allert!!! That the little girl would regenerate at the end was a huge suprise.

After having seen the picture of amy and her baby, and seeing the likeness, I thing the little girl is Amy'd daughter. But with the Doctor or Rory???

I think it's Rory's kid, but Amy joked about her kid having a time head (whatever that is). I know it was a joke, but the producersput it there to make us link the two together, so either Amy's baby was evvected by her proximity to The Doctor, or it's a trick. Maby it's River Song's kid with the Doctor??? Maby it's the doctors next incarnation??? Maby another time lord escaped the time prison, if that's what it is, I havn't seen that series.

I'm glad we worked out what the silence is, but I doub't we've seen the last of it. Their spread all over the galaxy, as shown by the "Vampires of Venice".

Ohhh, so many theories. I cant wait till next week. View trailers at The Dr Wwo Official Site

Happy viewing. :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Nerd of the Family

I love my family, but it annoys me that I'm so different from them.

I like to watch anime, read manga, read long fantasy books, and watch fantasy / sci-fi movies.

And it sucks when there's an exciting bit and I turn to the person next to me to talk about it ... and they dont understand the significance.

Then I came to Uni. And people know what I'm talking about. They watch the movies I do, know what Bleach is, and wonder when inheritance will come out. And Jesse knows what Red Vs Blue is!!!!!!!

Then I went to the internet for photo's for my flickr account, and there are people there who understand me as well. I love socialising. :)

And the fan based art is great.


                                                                         Harry Potter

Master Chief and Samus

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Blitz ... is me.

Have you seen the episode of how I met your mother when Ted, then Barney become the Blitz, and they miss out on all the cool stuff when their not looking. We'll I've realised thats me.

Friends are always talking about how they have so much fun at parties, and the one I go to with them gets shut down in the first 15 minutes, before anything happens.

I play a drinking game with them, and it's fun. Then I find out that I missed out on strip kings. People were walking around naked. People as in GIRLS. And the only photo on facebook is of 4 naked guys.

Bummer. Ah well ...

Thursday, 28 April 2011

MPI104 - HTML and CSS

It made me feel happy when Matt was explaining how to make paragraphs in HTML and such, since I could already do them. And my the class mates I showed my site to seemed entertained.

I'm glad I learn't about CSS. It will really speed up the process.
Only problem now is that I have to go back through my 3 pages and erase all my styles and color's while creating style sheets. Sigh... work to decrease the work load. Yay.

The Script For My Animation Assignment

This is mine, nobody steal it. I have witnesses.

(Title Sequence)

Random Voice: And now for another episode of

(Many voices): The scribbles!

(The scribbles written in large letters. Characters bounce in to make up some of the letters).

( Bob {green} and Jim {blue} next to each other)

Jim: Bob

Bob: Yeah

Jim: ... I’m pregnant... It’s yours.

Bob: What!? But, but-

Jim: (shaking, and laughing) Gotcha! Of course I’m not having a baby, bone head. I’m a guy. Do you even know how babies are made?

Bob: My mom told me there’s a nearly-all-powerful being who controls the entire universe, using it’s magical yellow wand (hach-bee??) to create life, and it’s (white brick of purity?) the destroy.

Jim: Nearly all powerful? (mockingly)

Bob: It doesn’t like sunlight

Jim: .......... That... is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. There’s no such thing as a nearly-all-powerful being. Come on, I’ve got a book for you to look at. It’ll explain some things.

(Camera moves up, zooming past birds to a cloud, with a table with pencils on it, and a man looking through binoculars, all under a shade cloth)

Creator:  No such thing huh. We’ll see about that.

(Walks to the table, picks up the pencil and draws baby scribble in the air. It floats there till finishes, then he catches it)

Creator: Aaawww, your soooo cuuute...

(baby noises)

Creator: Well, time to leave the nest little buddy.

(drop kicks it off the cloud, we see it falling to earth)

(Cuts to Jim and bob)

Jim: You ready?

Bob: Yeah. (Excitedly bouncing up and down).

Jim: (clears his throat)(opens a book). When a cheerleader and the football captain get very, very drunk-
(Said to the same rhythm people say, “when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much)

(Cuts to baby falling faster, in a teardrop shape)
(Cuts to Jim and Bob)

Jim: - Then, they walk out of hospital with a brand new baby-

(Cuts to baby falling faster, elongated teardrop)
(Cuts to Jim and Bob)

Jim: So now you know that babies don’t come from some mystical magic man.

Bob: (depressed) Yeah I guess...

Jim: (laughing) What would they do, just fall out of the sky...

(Baby lands on him, splashing Jim out, and landing safely.

Jim: ... Owww. (Understaded)

(Jim reforms, baby on his head)

Bob: Oh my god! It’s true. There is a creator. He gave us a baby from the sky. Take that book. (Throws it away).

Jim: Calm down Bob, it probably just got chucked out of an aeroplane. I’m gonna call the police. They can have him

(Squiggle extends into an arm with mobile on the end to where his ear should be)

(Ringing sounds)(Gargled telephone voice)

Jim: Hi, I’m calling to report a baby that we found.
(Gargled telephone voice)
Jim: It fell out of the sky and landed on me.
(Gargled telephone voice)
Jim: Aaah, my names Jim-
(Beep, beep, beep)
Jim: What was that about? She said something about prank calls then hung up on me.

Bob: Well that is weird. I don’t know what she was talking about. (looks away and whistles).

Jim: ... How many times did you call them being me?

Bob: By my count... 47 times.

Jim: (looks down and shakes his head)Oh god...

Bob: Hey, does that mean we can keep it till his parents come get him.

Jim: No way. We can’t look after a baby. I’m not qualified for the whole parental thing.

Bob: Come on Jim, he has nowhere else to go. Please.

(Cut between Jim and bob repeatedly like puss in boots cute eyes, zooming into bob each time)

Jim: ... Fine. (Slumps in defeat)

Bob: Oh come on cheer up. It’s goanna be great.

(Baby poops on Jim’s head. )

Jim: Sure it is. (Sarcastic).

(Fast music and a montage of baby related tasks, e.g. being woken up early, bottle feeding it and having it go right through, sneeking back to bed, then the baby crying again, putting a nappy on it, then having the baby liquidise out, the baby swallowing a torch, then having blinding light coming out of its eyes, etc.)

(Cuts to Jim and Bob panting).

Jim: How can one kid be so much work?

Bob: So.... much.... poop....

Jim: Hey, where’s the kid???

(Both characters freeze. Duh Duh DUUUUH music plays. Characters look to the right, camera moves right to a random scribble playing an instrument to the baby, making the sound. Scribble tlloks at the camera, then edges out of the frame, alternating between a fast pace and stopping. Jim and bob move over to the kid.)

I can’t believe we haven’t heard anything about a missing baby yet.

Bob: I’m telling you, the creator made it for us.

Jim: There’s no such thing as the creator.
(Chirping noise as bird poo falls on Jim).

Bob: See. God’s punishing you for not believing.

Jim: That happens to everybody. The creator doesn’t exist.

(Jim is struck by lightening).

Jim: That’s just bad luck. He’s not real. (getting louder and angry).

(Get’s hit by an anvil)

Jim: Oh come on!

Creator: (disembodied voice) Not very bright are you?

(Jim, baby and bob look up, and the camera zooms up to the creator on his cloud, who waves)

(Cuts to bird’s eye view of Jim, bob and baby).

Jim: And you are???

(Back to creator).

Creator: I am all knowing. I am all powerful. I am god. (Thunder behind him and sky darkens). Kneel before me puny mortals.

(Cut to bird’s eye view and Bob bowing repeatedly).

Jim: So you’re the one responsible for ruining our lives with this thing. (Points to baby, maybe baby looks behind itself, or gives a ‘who me’ look?)

Creator: Yes, I created the infant to punish your refusal to believe in my existence, blob. 

Bob:  (still bowing) oh lord, please forgive us, we are but unworthy men. Repent, repent.

Jim: What he means is, take the dam kid back!

Creator: Never! Mwa ha haaaa.

Jim: Never ever?

Creator: Never ever, ever.

Jim: Not even if I do this???

(Grabs a torch, shoves it into the baby, then points the beams of light at the creators cloud, lighting it up and making the creator scream/hiss like a vampire and fall/neil).

Creator: please spare me.

Jim: Only if you help us with our problem.  (arrow comes out of his body and points at the baby).

Creator: Yes, anything.

(Jim squeezes baby, torch pops out, light beams die)

(Creator stands and composes himself).

Creator: I won’t erase the child from existence, but I will send you some help.

(cuts to jim, baby and bob. Trampoline falls from the sky, narrowly missing Jim)

Bob: A trampoline? But how does that help-

(Pink squiggle falls from the sky, bounces off trampoline and lands on Jim.

Jim: ...Oww.

(Jim reforms, shakes himself, then looks at the pink lady blob, who’s holding the baby.[Mental note: give her more feminine curvs]. Sexy music starts playing)

Kate: Hi boys. I’m kate.

(Cuts to Jim and Bob. Slide whistle noise and Jim gets a little taller and thinner.)

Bob and Jim simultaneously: Uuuuh .... hi.

Kate: You both look exhausted. Come inside and I’ll make you dinner.

(She turns and walks off)

Bob: ... I like her jim.

Jim: Me too Bob. Me too.

Cuts to credits.

Final scene – Either:

a)      Jim and Kate mirroring the first scene, and she looks at him
Kate: Jim.
Jim: Yeah.
Kate: I’m-
(end scene)

b)      OR (creator looking through his binoculars at night and chuckles to himself, with the sound of bed springs in the backround)

To All You Inheritance Fans - Yes, You Know It :)

After two and a half years of waiting, they finally announced the release date, title and cover of the forth and final book in the Inheritance cycle.

The title of the book is Inheritance, which kind of screwed up the whole six letter word starting with E thing. Eragon, Eldest ... Brisingr, Inheritance.

The release date is the 8th november, which is still another six and a bit months awwaaaay!

But there is one thing I'm happy about. After the release of Eldest, i was adament that the final cover would be green. And guess what...

It's a whole lot of green. Oh yeah.

Now I'm only waiting on a few more authors to get their butts into gear. Like Isobelle Carmody, Anthony Horowitz, Ken Akamatsu, Ookubo Atsushi, ... aawwww, so many to wait for...

Visit the official Inheritance website at and pre-order it now!

I should get paid for selling your product Paolini!$!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Looking Forward to Assessment 2

I got best in the class with a score of 92 for my html web page in year 10, and top marks for my web page in yr 12.

I'm really looking forward to making an even better one and kicking ass in this class.

I nearly rofl'd when i read on the master blog ho to write a paragraph.

Sorry anyone who this is a first for, but it's like my little sister telling me how to play halo.

I only pay attention for the laughs.

Anyone needing help, check out the w3 school website.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Gee I hate moving

I really dont like moving. Do you realise I have to move in and out four times a year. All that wasted time.

Good points:
- My room smelt like peaches.
- It's good to leave then come back. You wont get bored of it.

Bad points:
- There wasnt any womens underware left in it this time. Bummer.
- You know your anal retentive when you realise that the sanity waste disposal unit has changed colour and is on the other side of the toilet. And your a guy.
- You go hungry if you forget to by food before hand. And you car doesn't work.

God I love UNI.

Monday, 18 April 2011

"Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig"

I think the past 2 weeks cant really be called holidays.
Stayed in Wagga the first week to finish my VPA assessment, a sound remix, then attended a judging for the International Animation Festival.

Which was hard to do since I was kicked out of my cottage on the first saturday. Had to be a moocher, jumping between house-to-house.

Then when I finally got home, I spent all my time staring at my VisCom homework in the dark because, a) It was hard to do, and b) my new house runs on solar power, which doesnt work as well after a week of clouds.

Sigh, and I still have so much to do. Ah well, such is life.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

D-Day Has Finally Arrived

Since the creation of my blogger account, I have made regular posts, 11 all up, such as ‘Why Oh Why did I become an animator???’ and ‘The Epidemic Sweeping The World – Fraping'.

Over time I have tried different styles. I chose a template, then added gold and red to the colour scheme to add more zing. I had size issues when adding pictures to the background, memory and physical wise. I chose the current background as it suited the colour scheme, but still introducing additional colours that weren’t overwhelming. An extra column on the left deformed gadgets on the right so I didn’t have one. I used interesting fonts to make the headings to attract attention, then reverted to more regular fonts to write the article, making it easier for the reader to read the smaller writing.

I then added multiple gadgets to the page to add personality, such as quotes from movies, interesting pictures, a poll to determine people’s favourite anime, a list of my favourite links, and my personal favourite, the fish.

I have studied the blogs of class mates, and offered support and feedback, such as on Liz Rehling’s page, and Beau Buckley's.

I have tagged my posts by group, e.g. mpi104 related posts have MPI104, by title, e.g. My First Walk Cycle is tagged with walk and cycle, and by subject matter, e.g. Never Too Old For Cartoons is tagged with anime, manga, and picture, as it supplies pictures.

Over all, I’ve learnt how easily indaviduals can express themselves and get information across well by using blogs. Their easy to use, can be personalised to the topic being discussed if need be, and are be widely accessible.


All up, I have uploaded 23 photos in two categories, university related, and recreational pictures, my 3 favourites being Joy, awkward moments, Mace Windu.

I quite enjoyed using the flickr account. It allows me to keep lists of my favourite pictures on the internet, so they are not taking up my hard drive space, and are accessible from any computer with a web connection, without carrying around a hard drive. I can view other pictures without uploading them myself. It also allows others to view my pictures of their own accord.


So far my Delicious page holds 22 bookmarks, ranging from recreational sites, like Red vs. Blue, a machinima comedy,university sites, like the Animation and Visual Effects Forum,(which is hiddenand everyday sites like my Hotmail.

My favorite 3 sites are Red vs. Blue (see above), a machinima based comedy, SoulEater, one of my favorite manga's, and Grooveshark, a good site to listen to music on.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

D-Day: 1 Day Away

At this point, I dont know if the D stands for due or death. I'm so over this walk cycle. When I scan the second one in this morning, i'm 100% certain it will be worse than my first. So today, I have to fix up my first and add a hat. 25 frames in one day. Yay. And then I have to work out how to put sound in. Lucky I already have foot steps.
At least MPI isnt due till midnight tomorrow. And all I have to do is add another post and also update flickr and delicious.
I am so gonna fail VFX.
Sigh... Wish me luck.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Never Too Old For Cartoons

You know what I'm looking forward too the most after I've finished the stupid walk cycle, this MPI104 assignment, my VPA106 song remix and my VIS101 essay. It's not the relaxing, or the xbox time (though they both rank highly, or the time to wash my clothes (I'm wearing these pants for the third time). It's the being able to sit back and enjoy some anime/manga.

I cant believe more people don't watch it, it's designed specifically for teens. They are always entertaining, and offer a well needed escape from reality.
I love how the emotions are expressed not only through facial expresions, but symbols, words and body warping. You know the chick is ticked off when her eves go wonky, her teeth get sharp, and the background is filled with fire.
I love the comedy ones. Wether it's Ichigo freaking out when Yuroichi appears naked in front of him, or Colin tripping and ending up on top of Lelouch, or even Negi having to hide in the bath because his students (in an all girl school) are coming in to wash as well, and he doesn't want to be seen by them.
Gotta love those awkward moments :-).

Become a nerd today! Read awesome manga at Manga Reader, or watch some great anime on AnimeFeul.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Why Oh Why did I become an animator???

I dont know why I decided to do animation. I've never been any good at creative subjects. I was always a sciency maths type.
I can still remember that the rodopsin in the optical receptors produce transducin when stimulated by light to start an action potential to send messages to the brain. I remember that mewtons calculation for cooling is M=P+Ae((-kt)superscript).
I remember that a fruit fly produces the longest sperm of any animal on earth, measuring 2.3 inches, 20 times it's own body length.
But I cant draw a good walk cycle. I just cant draw full stop. Maby it's not too late to transfere into science...

Ah well, if I fail, i'll rethink. Till them, wrist cramp, here I come.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

My Firts Walk Cycle!!!

I finally created my first walk cycle. I hit the play button and this annoying character that I've drawn over 50 times so far started walking and it became my baby, my walking baby. Sure a walking baby that bobs up and down too much, and who's foot and knee's bounce twice as much as they should, but a walking baby none the less.
I'll love him, and cherish him, and look after him forever and ever... or until later today when I start the next one and kick this one to the curb. Whichever comes first.

View it now on Flickr.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Not Enough Time To Be A Gamer :-(

Sigh. I'm so bogged down with assignments and other things to do, I've had no time to play any of my games. I bought assassins creed nearly a fortnight ago, and I've barely scratched the surface of it. And it's so cool too. I LOVE the free run. This dude can perform some pretty cool parkour. And I havn't worked out how to use my laptop as a gateway yet to allow my xbox to access the internet, so my account hasn't updated recently.

Any I haven't been able to finish my new bleach game either (anime. see poll on right). It's a DS strategy game, and I'm up to the last level, and the suspense is killing me.

Sigh... maby next week.

Find me on

Friday, 25 March 2011

The Epidemic Sweeping the World - Fraping

Have you ever logged into Facebook and had a bunch of notices saying people had replied to your last post??? Once you get over that moment of confusion, you follow the link to read your post, only to be shocked that you could write something so embarrassing without remembering it. Was I drunk? Do I have amnesia? Did aliens take over my brain in some plot to rule the earth?

Then it hits you... you set your account to sign me in automatically for easy access, making it easy for frapers to mess with your account, usually with sexual comments designed to isolate you and subject you to the ridicule and mockery of your peers.

The cure and prevention: change your password right now, and turn off the sign in automatically button. And never, EVER, leave your account open on your computer unattended. Not even in a locked room with armed guards, lasers, and a strong worded note. Been there, done that.

That'll keep them frapers out. Good luck my fellow Facebookers. Happy networking :).

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Not the most fitted name, but it would be a very useful site. Being able to have your favorites accessible on any computer in the world. That's pretty cool. Pretty useful because there are so many sites we need to remember for this subject. If they weren't linked to the same account, I'd be stuffed remembering all the passwords.

If you want to join delicious to access your favorites anywhere, click here.

Animation Assignment Sucks

There are no word in this or any other language to describe how much I loathe the walk cycle. I will destroy the walk. Anyone I see walking will feel my WRATH!!!
I have a week to draw 25 pictures, scan them into the computer, learn how to use adobe photoshop and after effects, the most complicated programs in the history of the computer and create a walk cycle. Any my stupid arms wont swing the right way.
I don't know if were allowed to swear, so fuge you animation, fuge you very, very much.


Just made a Flickr account and posted some pictures. Who thought looking at pictures on the net could be such a social event? I love how we can link so many different things through g-mail. Learn't about tags, and how searching that word will probably show that image. I doubt I would gave discovered the site without this class.

If you want to show off a cool image you found on the net, a painting you made in art class, or the funny picture you took last week, then sign up to Flickr here.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

My animation class

Check out my progress in animation at My Animation Thread

Love this class. We have to watch cool video's in class.

My first post

                       This is my first post in MPI104. I hope the rest of the semester is this easy.

                                                                        Manga Reader