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Monday, 28 March 2011

Why Oh Why did I become an animator???

I dont know why I decided to do animation. I've never been any good at creative subjects. I was always a sciency maths type.
I can still remember that the rodopsin in the optical receptors produce transducin when stimulated by light to start an action potential to send messages to the brain. I remember that mewtons calculation for cooling is M=P+Ae((-kt)superscript).
I remember that a fruit fly produces the longest sperm of any animal on earth, measuring 2.3 inches, 20 times it's own body length.
But I cant draw a good walk cycle. I just cant draw full stop. Maby it's not too late to transfere into science...

Ah well, if I fail, i'll rethink. Till them, wrist cramp, here I come.

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