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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Never Too Old For Cartoons

You know what I'm looking forward too the most after I've finished the stupid walk cycle, this MPI104 assignment, my VPA106 song remix and my VIS101 essay. It's not the relaxing, or the xbox time (though they both rank highly, or the time to wash my clothes (I'm wearing these pants for the third time). It's the being able to sit back and enjoy some anime/manga.

I cant believe more people don't watch it, it's designed specifically for teens. They are always entertaining, and offer a well needed escape from reality.
I love how the emotions are expressed not only through facial expresions, but symbols, words and body warping. You know the chick is ticked off when her eves go wonky, her teeth get sharp, and the background is filled with fire.
I love the comedy ones. Wether it's Ichigo freaking out when Yuroichi appears naked in front of him, or Colin tripping and ending up on top of Lelouch, or even Negi having to hide in the bath because his students (in an all girl school) are coming in to wash as well, and he doesn't want to be seen by them.
Gotta love those awkward moments :-).

Become a nerd today! Read awesome manga at Manga Reader, or watch some great anime on AnimeFeul.

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