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Wednesday, 1 June 2011

My Third Assignment

I have continued to steadily update my blog, with over 30 posts posted, most with pictures. My Blog has links to interesting websites, 2 polls, that do work, two RSS feeds, a video from you tube, the blogs I’m following, and quotes from harry potter. I’ve changed the design, e.g. fonts, to create a colour on black theme. And added some entertaining fish. I like the fish. Also colour on black. The only theme is stuff related to me. My likes. Interesting events. And I have nearly 500 page views, so I must be doing something right.

My Flickr has over 30 photos and over 110 views. It mainly consists of pictures of my favourite shows, mostly manga, with a bit of doctor who thrown in, as well as a few class based pictures.

My Delicious has nearly 40 links, and I find it quite useful to navigate my most used sites. I’ve organised all sites into tag bundles for easy navigation. I have even set it as my homepage on my laptop for quick access. Links range from recreational, to educational, to media based.

And not to say they don’t exist, but I wasn’t able to find control’s to customize my flickr and delicious. So they look boring. I did try though.

My website continued the theme of colour on black, and it also focussed on me. My website is a good example of how information can be conveyed by a number of different mediums in multimedia. I have simple text, pictures, an RSS feed, video’s, music, an embedded page, a blog that generates an RSS feed, even a game.

Not only have I learnt more about the mediums of communication, I’ve learnt how fast and easy it is to spread information. The blogger, delicious and flickr account are all linked, so not only do they use the same account for ease, but they are interoperable, e.g., using Google reader to select blog posts and make an RSS feed. And when their all linked, adding information to one account will update the rest. E.g., liking more things in my Google reader will update the RSS feed in my website. When everything is interlinked, it makes it easier to attract audiences to other pages, and extend the period of communication.